Getting started

Propose or join a project/session idea

Our programme is still taking shape, as it depends on you! We will have three kinds of session:

  • Discussions take place in a larger group or as a plenary, with everyone contributing, and being led by moderators. We aim to have a maximum of two discussions in parallel at once.
  • Tutorials (called Sessions on dribdat) take place in a larger group with organisers leading participants through prepared content (but are encouraged to be as interactive as possible). We aim to have a maximum of two tutorials in parallel at once.
  • The third kind of session is where you will work on projects in small groups in parallel during dedicated blocks of time, possibly over multiple days. These blocks are called “Hacking sessions” in the programme. Projects can be anything you want them to be, the only (very loose) requirement is that there should be some sort of “product/deliverable/tangible outcome” by the end of the hackathon. This could be a new piece of code, a plot, a podcast episode, a how-to guide on a given topic, etc.

All of these can be found as different “challenge” categories on dribdat, where you can post a new challenge, or join an existing one by selecting one here. Make sure to write who the organiser(s) are on the dribdat page. If you are interested in helping to organise the session, contact the organisers of that session. If you are interested in participating in (but not organising) a session, then please join it on dribdat. We will use this as a vote for minimising clashing interests when designing the programme.

We expect each participant to lead at least one discussion or tutorial (can be done in pairs), and this is done via dribdat. The session leader(s) will also be the contact persons. To help us organise our program in good time, we’d like all discussions and tutorials to be proposed by Friday April 26th at the latest. You are still free to join already proposed sessions after that date of course.

Every participant should also be a leader or a member of a project on dribdat by the start of the hackathon, but we recognise that your ideas and interests might change based on discussions and conversations. During the event you are free to move between projects, and projects can be adapted or merged as participants wish.

Join on dribdat

We are using a platform called dribdat to organise our programme. On dribdat, you can propose challenges in the form of discussions, tutorial sessions and projects. You can propose a challenge or join an existing contribution on dribdat following these steps:

  1. Sign in or create a dribdat account if you have not done it already;
  2. Have a look at challenges and existing projects;
  3. Then either post a new challenge;
  4. …or join an existing team.

For a comprehensive guide on dribdat, please visit the dribdat documentation.

Join on Zulip

We use the team chat app Zulip for discussing sessions and projects. You can join our server here. When you create your session, discussion or project, make sure to create a Zulip room and add it as the contact link on dribdat.

Zulip is an open-source modern team chat app designed to keep both live and asynchronous conversations organised. We thank Zulip for sponsoring our event with a free hosting plan.