Who can join?

Every IMPRS astronomy student in Heidelberg or Munich can join. We have a limited number of spots, so we will prioritize students who come with their own project, trying to balance a 50/50 split between Heidelberg and Munich students.

What is a Hackathon?

In a Hackathon, we want to work together on a project, while also learning new skills and connecting with each other. The concept is similar to .astronomy. We will have a mix of Discussion, Tutorial and Hackathon sessions, giving you time to collaboratively work on joined projects.

What kind of projects can I bring?

This is totally up to you - the only requirements are that it can be done collaboratively and should have some sort of tangible “result/product/deliverable” by the end of the event. It could be related to your PhD research, processing images for outreach, developing assignments for teaching, writing a “how-to” guide on a given topic… be as creative as you can! You can also propose a tutorial session, a discussion on a topic, or something else entirely. Feel free to submit an idea with someone else or as a group.

You can post your idea as a project our dribdat page. If you want to get some ideas for possible projects, please have a look at our example projects.

How much does it cost?

We do not have a registration fee, and will cover lunch, coffee breaks and two dinners. Students from Munich will have to get their travel expenses and accommodation covered by their own groups. For Heidelberg students there are no expenses.